
Sex & The American Mom: 1 In 3 Report Having Affairs

Sex And The American Mom: 1 In 3 Report Having Affairs on the Side
By Colleen Dealy and Taylor Baldwin, Huffington Post
Posted on May 16, 2008, Printed on May 18, 2008

You or someone you know is having an affair. We know, it sounds surprising, shocking even, but apparently that is the case. Cookie Magazine and "AOL Body" did a survey on the subject and 30,000 people responded. As far as surveys go, that is a big number, and it's even bigger when you consider that their questions were aimed solely at married women with children. Yep, lots of mommies are getting action on the side.

The survey, "Sex and the American Mom," revealed that 34% of these married moms is in the midst of, or has already had, an affair. Think of three married moms you know and ask yourself, "Which one is cheating?" We tried this and Colleen came up empty. Taylor could think of one or two, but not one out of three -- that number seems staggering. Are we just naïve? In the dark? Out of touch? Which of our friends has managed to stray without anyone knowing (and when do they find the time and where they hell do they go?)

Another somewhat mind-blowing result of this survey was that 77% of the respondents said they want more sex. That's more than three quarters of the 30,000 women asked who said they aren't getting enough. Again, we ask, who are these people? And are we to conclude that so many stray because they are not sexually satisfied?

Cheating seems to be a direct result of not getting what you need, be it sex, attention, openness, what have you. If there is a void, and it can be filled by someone else, chances are it will be. Affairs used to almost guarantee a trip to divorce court. Today, however, the "cheatee" might experience a sense of betrayal, but the "cheater" is not necessarily stigmatized socially, and often both agree to at least attempt reconciliation. It has even been viewed as a "wake-up call" -- one that can actually save a marriage, with each person expressing a sense of shared blame.

As a society, it seems as though we've become less judgmental about affairs in general. Maybe we've realized how hard marriage is and have simply gotten more realistic. But, maybe the scope of the issue is bigger, and what's happening is that we're in the midst of redefining marriage as we have known it.

The stereotype, of course, is if there's someone sneaking around in a marriage, it's the guy. In general, no one is surprised to hear that men cheat on their wives. However, when it comes to wives cheating on their husbands, while not entirely new, it is much more common than we thought. When we told men that one in three married moms cheat (or have cheated) on their husbands, and that a solid majority are actually looking for more sex than they're having at home, most mens' eyes light up with surprise and certainly curiosity. Some even joked about where they might find one of these gals. But, what we didn't hear was "Yes, I can understand that. I'm not in the mood very often and I'm probably not satisfying my wife's sexual desires."

Could the American male be suffering from a proverbial "headache?" Maybe the insatiable male sex drive is just a myth? After hearing what Michelle Weiner-Davis, an internationally recognized relationship therapist and the Director of The Divorce Busting Center, had to say in an interview with Psychology Today, this may not be far-fetched. She thinks we don't hear a lot about the man's lack of sexual interest because, "Men are so ashamed of speaking up about [it]." Estimating that it affects, "at least 20 to 25%" of adult males," Michelle adds, " ... low desire in men is America's best-kept secret."

Please don't confuse our effort to understand what's going on here with male-bashing. When a couple's sex life changes, for better or worse, generally both parties are complicit. For the record, we love men and we're aware that sex is complicated. Let's face it, marriage is complicated, and it only becomes more so after having kids. If mom or dad feels rejected by the other, he or she may cheat. And if you're married and you've got kids, you know that sex, or lack there of, can be loaded with a lot of other emotions and agendas that don't have anything to do with lust, or even love.

As the Hook-Up Generation grows up and gets married, chances are affairs may even go mainstream. It's hard for us to believe that this won't lead to hurt feelings and collateral damage (remember the kids), but maybe that's because we're from a different generation.

We understand that the person who lies just outside of the daily grind -- the one who's not figuring out how to pay the mortgage that month; the one who isn't angry about spending too little time with the kids -- can seem like a vacation worth taking -- at least once.

We're glad to hear that women want more sex, because frankly, it's good news that the female libido is alive and well. As for the affairs ... If we could add one question to the poll it would be this: "Is/Was the Affair Worth It?"

© 2008 Huffington Post All rights reserved.
View this story online at: http://www.alternet.org/story/85531/


Unknown said...

Infidelity has commonly been associated with males. Typically, when one hears about "cheating" in a relationship, the male is thought to be the perpetrator. In our current culture, monogamy is the expected norm. The question is whether or not this idea is realistic. With such high rates of infidelity, it seems it is problematic. I believe monogamy contradicts our innate impusles and desires, however, human beings have a developed neocortex which imparts intellect, reasoning, and foresight. We are animals, however, we have the capability to prevent ourselves from acting on every instinct we have, whether it pertains to sex, violence, or any other action. I do not believe it is ever appropriate to cheat. But, I am not saying monogamy is the absolute solution either. However, if you have to lie and deceive someone in order to have your needs met, then you should not be involved in a monogamous relationship. There are plenty of people who have "open" realtionships, in which the partners are allowed sexual escapades with people other than those they are cuurently involved in a relationship with. I think it takes people strength to acknowledge their needs especially when they are not conforming to society's norms, and the benefit is there is no lying, pain, or betrayal. And, what is wrong with adequately protecting yourself and meeting your sexual needs outside of the confines of monogamy? Nothing, as long as you are upfront with the other person about your need for non-commital sex.
Interestingly, according to this article, females seem to be desiring more sex than their male counterparts. And, affairs seem to be symptomatic of unfulfilled sexual needs and desires.
However, having an affair seems to be an easy and cowardly response to the issue at hand. If you are having a problem, take the time and initiative to resolve it. Stereotypical thinking portrays males as sexually insatiable, so it seems unfathomable females would be unsatisfied. However, these notions result from this culture: females are expected to have lower sex drives and to be sexually repressed, while males "should" be as horny as ever. Peoples' expectations need to be addressed in relationships. If it is expected for one another to be monogamous, it is wrong to betray that. However, if this value is not important to people, that is fine also- as long as the other person is aware of this.

Unknown said...

Infidelity has commonly been associated with males. Typically, when one hears about "cheating" in a relationship, the male is thought to be the perpetrator. In our current culture, monogamy is the expected norm. The question is whether or not this idea is realistic. With such high rates of infidelity, it seems it is problematic. I believe monogamy contradicts our innate impusles and desires, however, human beings have a developed neocortex which imparts intellect, reasoning, and foresight. We are animals, however, we have the capability to prevent ourselves from acting on every instinct we have, whether it pertains to sex, violence, or any other action. I do not believe it is ever appropriate to cheat. But, I am not saying monogamy is the absolute solution either. However, if you have to lie and deceive someone in order to have your needs met, then you should not be involved in a monogamous relationship. There are plenty of people who have "open" realtionships, in which the partners are allowed sexual escapades with people other than those they are cuurently involved in a relationship with. I think it takes people strength to acknowledge their needs especially when they are not conforming to society's norms, and the benefit is there is no lying, pain, or betrayal. And, what is wrong with adequately protecting yourself and meeting your sexual needs outside of the confines of monogamy? Nothing, as long as you are upfront with the other person about your need for non-commital sex.
Interestingly, according to this article, females seem to be desiring more sex than their male counterparts. And, affairs seem to be symptomatic of unfulfilled sexual needs and desires.
However, having an affair seems to be an easy and cowardly response to the issue at hand. If you are having a problem, take the time and initiative to resolve it. Stereotypical thinking portrays males as sexually insatiable, so it seems unfathomable females would be unsatisfied. However, these notions result from this culture: females are expected to have lower sex drives and to be sexually repressed, while males "should" be as horny as ever. Peoples' expectations need to be addressed in relationships. If it is expected for one another to be monogamous, it is wrong to betray that. However, if this value is not important to people, that is fine also- as long as the other person is aware of this.

Anonymous said...

When I read first began reading this article, I was completely shocked to see how many women are unfaithful to their husband and children! To think that one out of three mothers have affairs atleast once in their marriage is unbelievable to me. I personally do not agree with cheating for any reason at all, and when it comes to relationships one needs to communicate with the other about issues that could possibly lead to a desire to cheat. I can see why these women seek other partners if their husbands are not having sexual intercourse with them often, but I am sure the male has no idea how much the women is really desiring it. There is a lack of communication in this relationship, and I do not think having an actual affair is the way to fix such a problem. Even though it has been proven that this actually saves marriages, I do not understand how we let our marriages get to this point. In our society, we are telling people it is okay to cheat and have affairs because in the end it will actually fix our marriage? We are completely redefining marriage and letting it be corrupted by our society. Marriage is supposed to be a special vow between two inidividuals that shows their dedication and love for one another that should not be broken, but affairs are becoming a regular behavior. How could we let this happen in our society? One should not be in a relationship with another if they have to lie and cheat in order to fulfill one's needs. Marriage is a special ritual that should not be corrupted in this way. Some people do not belong married, and that is fine. If one cannot be faithful, they should make the right decision and just have an open relationship. They should not try and take advantage of such a special ritual between two people.

I also found it very interesting in how many men do not like to admit the fact that they do not want to have sexual intercourse. This is not what I would think because the agent of socialization, media, promotes guys as always wanting to have sex. It is crazy how media can get you to think the complete opposite of the truth, which most of the agents of socialization do. Men should not hide something like this because it is not necessary. They need to go outside of the norm of society and actually tell women how they feel because that is what makes a relationship special. Being able to tell one another what is on your mind is all apart of marriage. Going against the generalized beliefs and norms of society is not always a bad thing. In many cases, it actually works out for the better!

-Jillian Rebello (girl who sits to the left of "Florida" if you are looking at the class)
SO 101: Section C